Explore all the features Flowgres

An advanced and user-friendly set of functionalities.

Task management

Plan and organize project tasks throughout the life of the project. Assign flags, priorities, assign a responsible person and track the progress of the ongoing project. Assign a budget to a task and gain full identification and control of incurred costs. 

The exchange of files and communication with customers streamlines the order fulfillment process and saves time, and with an intuitive solution improves the image of the company.  

Communication of the team and contractors in the project

The foundation of any project is good and clear communication. Flowgres was born out of the need to improve communication within the project team with direct input from users outside the organization. 

Invite all parties, both your colleagues and contractors involved in the project, and organize the project with a flow of communication so that nothing escapes you and all decisions made are well inventoried.      

Planning and Budget Management

Create individual budgets for each project and monitor execution and analyze deviations. Forecasts assumed at the planning stage, updated and adjusted based on operational knowledge during the project, become the foundation of the project's financial stability. 

Directly linking the budget to the contract and project costs allows you to keep control over meeting your margin targets.      

CRM and Sales Opportunities

Handle companies and contacts and manage bidding and sales in one place. Maintain quick access to negotiation history and data and keep control of the process and negotiations.

In one place you will find information about all the activities in which your business partner has participated in your company. Short time to access information becomes the key to efficiency  

Effective Project Planning

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Project review and reporting

We offer a tool to quickly and easily generate reports on project progress. This allows you to easily analyze key indicators and make accurate decisions. 

Thanks to the reporting system, you will immediately detect potential risks and delays in the project, which enables quick intervention and effective risk management.

Time recording

Accurate time recording, allows the team to track the time spent on various tasks, identify the areas with the highest workload and optimize scheduling.

Whether you work remotely or in the office, our time recording tools are easily accessible online and offline. Whether you work a fixed schedule or a flexible time model, our platform adapts to different needs, enabling you to effectively manage your time in diverse work environments.

HelpDesk - a system for handling requests

Designed to streamline customer service processes. Centralize requests, assign them to the appropriate teams, and monitor progress - all for faster and more effective solutions to problems. Flexible solutions, tailored to your specific business. Regardless of industry, handle a variety of inquiries and requests with ease.

Our Helpdesk (ticket handling system) has been optimized for rapid problem resolution. Automated processes, quick assignment of requests and personalized responses make customer service more efficient.